october 2015
You are listening to “EARTH PEACE PRAYER”
from Shubhraji’s CD “Chants for Healing”.
om dyauḥ śāntir
antarikṣaṁ śāntiḥ
pṛthivī śāntir
āpaḥ śāntir
oṣadhayaḥ śāntir
vanaspatayaḥ śāntir
viṣvedevāḥ śāntir
brahma śāntiḥ
sarvaṁ śāntiḥ
śāntir eva śāntiḥ
sā mā śāntir edhi
om śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
Peace is the sky, peace the air, peace the earth.
Peace, the waters, the healing plants and forests.
Peace is the whole world, peace the supreme.
All is peace, all is only peace.
Be that peace, Mother Peace.
Om peace, peace, peace.
“A deep, wise, and wonderful exploration of the Vedanta path for relationships both with yourself and with others. Shubhraji provides everything you need to create healthy, fulfilling relationships…”
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