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    Event Information:

    • Namah Saraswati Project



      During Her teaching around the world, Shubhraji has met and continues to meet people from different socio-economic backgrounds with varying levels of need, especially in the field of education. The genuine needs of some of these people led to the setting up of the NAMAH Saraswati Project by Shubhraji in January 2013.

      Put simply, the goal of the NAMAH Saraswati Project is to provide deserving children and adults with a valuable education.



      Considering family background and other relevant factors, we have identified a number of children from families known to Shubhraji who are in genuine need of education.As soon as the NAMAH Saraswati Project was started this year, some families in Hong Kong have already sponsored children in India to pursue their primary education.



      If you wish to contribute towards bettering the lives of these deserving children or adults by providing for their education, please donate to the Namah Saraswati Project.

      The funds would go either directly to the sponsored family in the respective country of residence OR to a bank account that has been opened in Hong Kong from where the funds will be distributed to the child/adult. Photographs and communication from the sponsored child/ adult or parent will be provided wherever possible.

      “Education is something no one can take away from you. Its not only something that will help you prepare for your future; it is Life itself. This is the advice I have for my son, I hope to be able to do the same for the less fortunate. Shubhraji has afforded me this opportunity through the Namah Saraswati Project for which I am very grateful.”

      — Amishi Sani [Hong Kong]


      “Helping children get the education they deserve is their right. With quality schools and teachers, these children will have the chance to blossom and be proudly able to contribute to society. This is all made possible thanks to the Namah Saraswati Project and Shubhraji's guidance.”

      — Kareena (Rohini) Chotirmal [Hong Kong]


      “These children are good students, their families are deserving, hard working people and Shubhraji knows them personally and informs me about them. The NSP is different from other charities because I know my funds are going 100 percent to the child's education and not to administrators.”

      — Mrs. S.G. Melwani [Hong Kong]




      If you would like more information on the above and/or wish to support this project please email me.
      — Reena Khubhchandani, Hong Kong

    “A deep, wise, and wonderful exploration of the Vedanta path for relationships both with yourself and with others. Shubhraji provides everything you need to create healthy, fulfilling relationships…”

    — Arielle Ford. Author of Wabi Sabi Love and The Soulmate Secret
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